Is the fake news the real news?

Culture jamming is a mode of resistance to the norms and conventions of mass culture that exposes and opposes the media’s underlying power structures and ideological messages (Klein, 2000. P.213). Culture jamming takes place in all kinds of media, in advertising, in the news, political discourse and commercials. Culture jamming allows for the media to raise attention to the ongoing issues in society by adding a light hearted or comedic spin to it.

 I believe that the satirical news reporting shows such as The Daily Show, and Rick Mercer Reporter is a form of mainstream culture jamming as they both demonstrate the characteristics of culture jamming. Both of these shows conclude on present day issues that society is faced with along with tragedy stricken situation, but both shows involve a light hearted discussion followed by some jokes to go along with it. “Culture jamming techniques can also be used simply to be clever or funny, without a political or critical motive” (O’Shaughnessy & Stadler, 2010). This helps the audience stay engaged in the on going conversation, As well as staying tuned on that show.

 I believe that this type of reportage is a useful to the public sphere as it adds a dimension of news that would not be shown on the local news channel at six. It demonstrates the humanity inside the media, and how everything type of news can allow for another view, or shed of light on it. No matter the occasion culture jamming is a form of useful media in my opinion, it opens to a larger audience, as well as a more diverse one, allowing for many opinions and many different insights.

 In conclusion, I believe after reading chapter fourteen in the textbook ‘Media and Society’ that culture jamming is a vital aspect of the media today, as well as its importance in society. 

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